Author: Bryan Veloso
Pacquiao’s chances of winning against Margarito is 100%
I’m not good in giving predictions and I don’t usually predict boxing matches, but I would like to share my insights regarding tonight’s WBC Super Welterweight match of Manny Pacquiao vs Antonio Margarito. I know the majority are saying that Manny Pacquiao’s victory against Margarito is 100% sure and only a miracle can let Margarito…
BPI Mobile App doesn’t work in BB OS Version 5.0, 6.0, and above
Yes guys, BPI is undeniably the richest bank in the Philippines, but they can’t hire skilled mobile application developers to fix and update their mobile apps. If you’re using BPI mobile app in your Blackberry 4.6, Windows Mobile 6.1, or other old Symbian OS versions, don’t upgrade to a newer version because your BPI Mobile…
Merlion Night Shot using GF1 and 7-14mm Ultra Wide Lens
Here’s a not-so-great, but awesome evening shot of the Merlion Park in Singapore. Lens used is a 7-14mm Leica.
Will you buy a Kinect?
I’ve read an interesting article about Kinect and how will it soon change the way we live our lives. It will make a big splash in our day to day living. Sooner than we think, other big companies will create applications that will interact with Kinect or something useful that can utilize Kinect’s super powers.
UFC 121 is awaited by avid fans of Brock Lesnar and Cain Velasquez
A few days from now, another spectacular Heavyweight championship is about to happen in the UFC arena. Two of the best Heavyweight fighters will clash on October 23, 2010! This event will be live in Pay-Per-View, Yahoo Sports, Direct TV, Verizon Wireless, iPhone, Dish Network, Cox, Comcast, and of course Smooth HD. Here are…
The first Windows 7 Phone from Samsung announced!
Yes yes yes! It’s finally announced! I really don’t know if people who already using iPhones, Android Phones, and Blackberry smartphones for so many years will switch to Windows 7 because it’s created by Bill Gates. Will this new Windows 7 phone from Samsung also known as Samsung Omnia 7 can ever match the pace…
Stephenie Gee Album Art
Because I’m a big fan of this new YouTube Sensation and I can’t find a pre-made album art for her songs in my iTunes, I created an album art for Stephenie Gee. If you’re looking for the same thing, please don’t hesitate to copy the album art I made.
WiFi passphrase or key is incorrect even if it’s correct after upgrading to Windows 7
If you’ve encountered the error “the key or passphrase is incorrect” with your wireless connection after upgrading your Windows XP or Windows Vista to Windows 7, then you’re not alone. I’ve encountered this annoying error after upgrading my 64-bit Windows Vista Home Premium to 64-bit Windows 7 Home Premium.