Author: Bryan Veloso
The Weird WordPress Error from on Line 6
If you encountered this error, just like me, then you can’t find a solution online because when you Google the error it will just show you the sites that are currently encountering the error. Don’t be sad and don’t lose hope, I found a solution that might help you. The error is basically like this:…
The Eye-fi iPhone App!
If you’re an avid Eye-fi user and a big iPhone fan, then you’ll love this Eye-fi iPhone App. What’s great about this app is that you can download and use it for free! Yes guys! For free! Try it now and share your photos with ease using Eye-fi!
The iPad 2: Will this change everything again?
I don’t know if this new tablet changes everything again, but I want to have one. It’s sleek, it’s fast, and it’s a chick magnet. I already wrote about it at Gizmosync. Check my article out if you’re interested to read it. If you’re not interested about iPad 2, then don’t bother to read my…
Have you ever been Long-conned?
Have you ever been tricked by a long time “best friend?” Swindled? Long Coned? Just today, I realized that my long time friend is a swindler. She gained my 100%, but all went to havoc and it’s now zero. She tricked me and lured me to that blurry hole and until now, she’s still not…
I’m ashamed and disappointed
I’m ashamed because my prediction didn’t came true. And I’m disappointed because the Steelers won. Anyway, congratulations to the Packers! You did great!
Pittsburgh Steelers will surely win this Sunday!
In less than 24 hours from now, the most awaited event this year will commence! The 45th annual Super Bowl will finally start! I know you guys are so excited to watch the Super Bowl 2011 live stream and I know you can’t wait to see who will be this year’s Super Bowl champ!
Homunculus Gone! How to recover it?
Above is the last screenshot I had with my Filir homunculus. I have no other screenshots left. I’m so sad right now because my level 99 homunculus in pRO was gone. I don’t know why, but it’s suddenly gone. I can’t call it, I can’t resurrect it. I forgot to vaporize it. Maybe he became…
WordPress PDA & iPhone Plugin is not working anymore
I just noticed this a month ago. It’s not working anymore. I’ve been using this plugin for more than 2 years already, but since last month, when I open my blog in my Blackberry and iPhone, it just displays the normal theme, not the mobile theme I made for this blog.