Month: September 2017

  • Google Finance API stopped working as of September 2017

    If you’re using the Google Finance Exchange Rate API and it suddenly stopped working, then don’t be shocked. At first, I thought they now require an API key, but that assumption vanished in seconds after I noticed that was redirected to So if you’re using file_get_contents to fetch the latest forex rates at…

  • Is Animoji an innovation?

    Is Animoji an innovation?

    Yes it is. It is awesome and it’s fun. Even if Devin Coldewey of Techcrunch said that it’s dumb and he detest it, it’s not. It’s actually one of the best innovations this 2017, according to me a whole lot of my friends in Seattle and Singapore. And $1000 for a phone is not that…

  • Magento Batch Update Product Type in MySQL

    I just want to share a simple MySQL snippet to batch update product type in Magento. This is a pretty basic SQL query, and I’ll just save it here in my blog so that I can remember what I did to update product types by batch. I just went to my SQL database via phpmyadmin,…

  • First, Magento Connect Reviews are gone, now they are closing

    First, Magento Connect Reviews are gone, now they are closing

    First, Magento Connect Reviews are gone, now they are closing. Yep, you read it right. They will now close the good old Magento Connect and will move everything in the Marketplace. Good news is that they will filter all the extensions and will only retain the ones that are worthy to be retained. You can…