Author: Bryan Veloso
Sony Xperia C5 Android 6.0 bluetooth disconnection problem
Just last week, I updated my Sony Xperia C5’s OS to Marshmallow 6.0. It’s an old OS, but it’s the newest free update from Sony Xperia, without rooting your phone. Everything seems fine, until I found out that Bluetooth is not working properly after the update. Once you connect your Xperia to any Bluetooth device,…
Formidable Calendar Custom Time Slots Per Hour of the Day
Formidable form building is one of the best and most extensive, fully customisable, WordPress plugin out there. You can create all types of forms you can think of. From a simple contact form, to a complex booking form, or even a full-featured user database with lots of filters and search features. But even if Formidable…
Bomb Explosion in Roxas Night Market, Davao City, September 2, 2016!
Yes, that’s today. There’s a sudden explosion here in Davao City. I thought it’s just thunder even it’s not raining, but it’s actually a bomb. I’m inside Marco Polo 5th floor when it happened. I didn’t see the explosion, but I see a lot of people along Roxas. The explosion happened at exactly 10:18 PM…
Galaxy Note 7 Release Date in Singapore and Philippines?
Because I’m currently in Singapore (sometimes in the Philippines), I’m now looking to upgrade from S7 Edge to S7, after finding out that it will be released this August 19, 2016, world wide!!!! Yep, the newest Samsung flagship phone has this stunning iris scanner, which is suppperrr awesome! I don’t know if this is the…
Coraleen Waddell is now video blogging!
Yep, she’s now into video blogging. My number one crush in the world is now video blogging. Subscribe to her channel now at She now has 16,574 subscribers as of August 6, 2016, with more than 100k YouTube views in her 3 videos. Latest video was uploaded yesterday. Her vlog is fun to watch,…
- is dead, but there are mirror sites like, etc
As we all know, Kickass just died 24 hours ago. The owner of the site was arrested by the he U.S. Government 24 hours ago. It’s all over the news. If you still don’t know about the news, just click the “all over” and “the news” hyperlinks that I just typed before this sentence. Right…
Magento Fix on simplexml_load_string error at lib/Varien/Simplexml/Config.php
If you’ve noticed that your system.log’s size is increasing every minute because of the error logs like this: Warning: simplexml_load_string(): ^ in /lib/Varien/Simplexml/Config.php on line 383 2016-06-27T14:01:04+00:00 ERR (3): Warning: simplexml_load_string(): Entity: line 292: parser error : expected ‘>’ in /lib/Varien/Simplexml/Config.php on line 383 2016-06-27T14:01:04+00:00 ERR (3): Warning: simplexml_load_string(): nkey.png</233><234>manufacturers/image.jpg</234><235>manufacturers/image.jpg</ in /lib/Varien/Simplexml/Config.php on line 383…
git: User was holding a relation lock for too long
If you encountered this error while pushing your recent change to your git repo, worry not. You’re not alone. Just recently, like a few minutes ago, I’m having trouble pushing my latest commit to my Bitbucket repo. Good thing I found out that it’s just a bitbucket issue, not really an issue with my repo…