Improving Business Ethics through 360 Feedback Softwares

For a company to sustain these days, it needs to maintain the good working relationship among its employees and its administrators. If they are well versed with the ethical values in their work then there is a big guarantee that its customers would be satisfied in their services.

These days, 360 feedback surveys are conducted to evaluate employees as well as employers. The data obtained would then be the basis for improvement or can be a way to appreciate an employee.

It is important that work ethics is present in a work place these days especially that bankruptcy is very rampant due to mismanagement or perhaps misunderstanding among workers. In fact, it has been stressed by an Archbishop of Wales that businessmen nowadays should memorize and practice by heart a certain oath of ethical principles similar to the oath of physicians called the Hippocratic Oath.

The above mentioned surveys or gathering of feedbacks need to be interpreted that fast so that needed information would be found out soon and ample action would be implemented immediately.

Getting customer feedbacks through survey is just one part of your business’ success. Another valuable aspect of running it is investing on reliable and budget-friendly equipments/paraphernalia. Your online presence is very important nowadays, when almost everything is just a click away. Get the right business web hosting provider, create a user-friendly website and continously promote your company

With the technology that we have now, it is very possible to spare the company from the bundles of paper works just to have these feedbacks. Computerized programs can already put all the work into one, including the survey sheets and its interpretation. It just a fast way of having employee appraisals that are sometimes part of a project evaluation, or as part of a talent assessment for succession planning.


One response to “Improving Business Ethics through 360 Feedback Softwares”

  1. “It’s a sign of troubled times when the concept of “pressure” becomes an acceptable excuse for ethical shortcuts and moral shortcomings. Pressures are just temptations in disguise and it’s never been acceptable to give in to temptation. Ethics is about the way things ought to be, not about the way things are. When it comes to ethics, motive is very important. A person of character does the right thing for the right reason. Compliance is about what we must do; ethics is about what we should do. Ethical people often do more than the law requires and less than it allows. The area of discretion between the legal “must” and the moral “should” tests our character. Noble talk and framed ethics statements are no substitute for principled conduct. The test is doing the right thing.” – Michael Josephson

    Business Ethics Training

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