Tag: Bitcoin

  • Bitcoin Vs. Gold

    Bitcoin Vs. Gold

    Maybe the clearest difference between Bitcoin and Gold is this: Bitcoin is digital, whereas Gold is a tangle physical asset. However, the distinctions between these two assets are much deeper. These days, Bitcoin is accepted as a form of payment by APMEX.

  • Beware of the Quanta Wallet Scam

    Beware of the Quanta Wallet Scam

    If you’re looking for a Bitcoin or Ethereum wallet and somebody referred Quanta Wallet to you, please stay away from it. You can deposit your ethers, but you cannot withdraw it. So beware of using unknown wallets because somebody referred it to you. This scam wallet is available on iOS and Android. You cannot export…

  • The Madness Begins

    This year’s Black Friday and Cyber Monday madness begins! The Bitcoin fever is also high. Investors are speculating when is the perfect time to pump and dump, or just continue pumping. On the other hand, e-commerce sites are preparing for next week’s war, the war of deals and offers. Black Friday just started here in…

  • Bitcoin price reached $500 and will probably reach $700 by this month

    Well as you may have noticed, I’m closely monitoring Bitcoin’s price almost every hour minute now. Because I just invested half of my life savings a few months ago when the Bitcoin’s price was around $200. Now it’s at $500.00 and I’m very glad I did. I hope it will quadruple my money by end…

  • Bitcoin reached $400 this November 2015!

    Yes, you have read it right. Bitcoin reached its all year high and nothing is stopping it to reach $500 this year, as long as the Chinese will not pull out their funds. Haha! I just started investing in Bitcoins since 2 months ago, which is the perfect time to invest as BTC’s price is…