Shout it from the desktops

Whether your business resides on the internet or is a brick and mortar operation, it can benefit greatly from being advertised and marketed online. Let’s face it; in this day and age, anyone who isn’t online or at least a little online savvy is truly stuck in the past and it is your responsibility to your customers, both existing and prospective, to be available on the most popular medium to-date.

Your customers are using the internet form more than just fun and research; they are spending money through e-commerce. So convenient is e-commerce that not only is it supplementing regular walk-in spending, in some cases it is replacing it all together. This is just one of the many things that the internet is doing and if you want your business to do well, you need to establish a secure, visible, engaging.

One of the biggest challenges faced by companies that have internet store-fronts is visibility. This is where advertising and marketing comes in. The internet is a big place and you can get lost, shelved or just downright ignored if you are not engaging in the best marketing and advertising practices.

Luckily, there are several types of online marketing that you can choose from based on budget, industry, scope of operations and target audience. All these variables may seem confusing at first but they exist to help streamline and define how best to go about marketing to your specific target customer base. Allow us to share with you a couple of options you can peruse to make your online business marketing efforts really powerful:

1. Nothing will get the ball rolling on promoting your business like email marketing. Relying on the strength of your already existing social network aka your email contacts list, you will be able to send emails that don’t only promote, but that inform as well about your products, services and industry in general.

As far as cost is concerned, this is one of the cheapest ways to get some of the most valuable results. iContact’s email marketing services are a superb way to start putting the word out there to existing and potential clients.

2. It may seem a little weird to consider blogging as a marketing exercise but hear us out. While the world may appear to be graphic-fixated, there is a need for or demand rather, for quality, poignant original content.

People understand that pictures can be fleeting and are often useless if not accompanied by text that enlightens and enlivens. Pictures cannot sell like words and starting up a blog to increase your site’s visibility is one of the best things you can do. Additionally, a blog will send your SEO through the roof!

Try our tips as soon as possible but don’t be afraid to investigate any other avenues for marketing and promotion out there that can help your business shine online – good luck!


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