Tag: suPHP

  • WordPress Fatal Error in wp-db.php on line 774

    WordPress Fatal Error in wp-db.php on line 774

    Wow, I just noticed that my blog is now full of WordPress fatal errors and how to fix it. I admit, I’m a certified WordPress junkie. Haha! This is my 78th blog post and my 12th WordPress error post. So… I’ll tag this one as WordPress and… I think just WordPress. This error is clasified…

  • Whitelist an IP address in your server via SSH

    One day, one of my blog readers can’t access my site. I wondered why and how come she can’t access it but I can. I also asked other readers, and they can. If this happens to you, just like what happened to me, maybe that specific user was blacklisted by your host. In order for…

  • Change your PHP handler from mod_php (DSO) to suPHP

    Finally, I decided to change my server’s PHP handler to suPHP from mod_php. It’s more secure and I can update my plugins and WordPress files automatically without annoying permission errors. Here’s what my php config looks like after the update: php.conf updated to: # This file was automatically generated by the Cpanel PHP Configuration system…