ETH to Bitfinex using Smart Contracts

Do not send ETH to Bitfinex via Smart Contacts, if you’re unsure that your deposit will not be sent as part of an Ethereum contract execution, please find out for sure before sending your deposit. Most online wallets now use Smart Contacts, like You can send to another local wallet first if you know how, then send it to your Bitfinex address.

But to be very sure, just use Bitcoin or other cryptos with no issues like Ethereum has.

I just found out about this after sending a few ETH from to Bitfinex. So be careful before sending any amount. Read, and re-read the latest instructions from Bitfinex. If you’re unsure about what you have read, then just don’t send anything.

Cryptocurrency is old, but it’s still cryptic to many, just like me.

UPDATE: I just contacted Bitfinex support and they said that they can manually process the transaction but it will take days to weeks. But hey! My ETH is not gone for good!


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