This is a very short review on’s too good to be true 90-minute delivery service. I just attempted to try their service today because I read in an ad at SM aura that they deliver groceries in 90 minutes or less!
Got very excited to try their service becuase I need some groceries to be delivered to my Lola in BGC as I don’t time to drop it by our condo. Good thing there’s MetroMart who can deliver groceries for me in less than 2 hours.
So I browser their website, added all groceries to my cart, then proceeded to checkout. Guess what happened? There are no delivery slots for the same day. Screenshot below
So how can they deliver in less than 90 minutes? I figured out that the advertisement is a lie, and they don’t really deliver as fast as 90 minutes. Oh well, I’ll just buy the groceries myself. I just wasted 30 minutes of life browsing today.
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