Tag: Social Media

  • Marketing an Online Business

    One of the most important things that you will need to focus on when creating a startup business is to market it properly. There has been countless volumes of info regarding how to market a new online business. However, many people still do not know how to do it the right way. There are a…

  • Why You Need To Pay Attention To Usability In Design

    Why You Need To Pay Attention To Usability In Design

    For anyone who has monitored changes and trends in web design, it feels like the ground has shifted more in the last few years than in the entire lifespan of the web. Social media is now engrained in web marketing, as is video and quality content, and website owners are now facing increasing barriers to…

  • Socialize in Feedburner is now gone

    Have you noticed it? Or it’s just me? I just noticed this today. The Socialize feature for Feedburner is now gone. I think they have removed it for good. I didn’t read any official announcement about it and I don’t know what’s the reason why it’s removed. Before, it’s right under Feed Count if I…

  • It’s September

    Yes guys! It’s now September. I don’t know what to blog right now. I’m just happy that it’s September. Then after September, it will be October, then November, then December. After a few months, I’ll be having another summer vacation and I will be in my 3rd year in high school after that 2-month vacation.…